Is photography safe in a pandemic?

First, I take this pandemic very seriously, and I hope you do too. My absolute first priority is the health and safety of your family, and my family too. I do believe photography is safe, with a few adjustments and a bit of humor and patience thrown in.

I thrilled to report that I have been vaccinated. I received my first shot and am not far from getting my second, and will be fully vaccinated by the middle of May. I am looking forward to that, though it will not change the other precautions I am also taking with every session.

Family photo with everyone wearing masks

Mask up!

For everyone's safety, I will wear a mask during our entire session, whether we are indoors or outdoors. Is it a little awkward? Yes. Does it fog up my viewfinder? Sometimes. Does it mean I have to talk much louder than I normally would and feel weird and shouty doing it? You betcha. It's ok though, it works and and I make it work.

Your family being photographed does not have to wear masks, though you are welcome to keep them on for a few images. This year + of masking has sure been memorable, so why not a photo in masks for the memory book? But for the majority of your session, everyone being photographed will be unmasked. Here's your chance to show your faces out in the world for a little while! Really though, we will maintain distance from each other, and from others who may be out and about in the same area. And I will ask you to put your masks back on at the conclusion of our session.

Posing remains a little less hands on than normal. This is where my distance from you plus my mask requires me to find and use my loud voice. I will still direct everyone and tell you exactly what to do, so don't worry for a second.

I am doing most sessions outdoors these days. We are so lucky to have plenty of beautiful outdoor locations all around Snohomish County that are perfect for family photos. Exceptions are for in-home newborn sessions. For parents of newborns, know that I have had my first dose of the vaccine, and will be fully vaccinated very soon. I put on my mask before leaving my car, and it stays on until I'm back in my car. I sanitize my hands and camera before entering too.

For schools, daycares, and other groups having portraits, I have extended the time in between each child to allow for sanitizing the area. Everyone keeps on a mask until being photographed. I also prefer to do these outdoors whenever possible.

Don't be afraid to book your photos. We will work together to keep it safe and leave you with a good memory of this year spent so close to our closest people.

photographer Rebecca Kathryn Photos masked up and ready for a session

Here I am, masked up and ready to meet you