Let's talk about lifestyle family photography.

You've probably seen it thrown around quite a lot, "lifestyle family photographer", but what does it mean? For me, it's about connection. Instead of stiff, stand-in-a-line, everyone smile and say 'cheese' photos, you will look at each other, hug, hold hands, and even play. Sure, we'll see if we can grab one with everyone looking straight ahead. But the rest of the time, we will focus on your family story. That story includes the beautiful way your family interacts, the love you share, and the resulting images have just so much more meaning.

But wait? You want us to what?

Don't worry though, I won't be showing up, leaving you to it and photographing any old thing that happens. You don't need to know what to do. Lifestyle photography is posed, in a different way. I will give you plenty of direction to guide you toward the connections that come naturally. The result is a collection of images that tells your family's story. It is very conducive to creating gallery walls in your home, or putting together beautiful albums. You will go away with more than just that one posed, everyone looking straight at the camera image. (though again we will see if we can quickly grab that one too--we know grandmas love them!).

posed family of 4 looking straight at the camera
family of four looking at each other at Willis Tucker Park

See the difference? Same family, more genuine connection. Less forced smile and more real love. This was at the very beginning of this family session, and it only got better from there. That's also why I don't ask you to choose just a few favorite images. You'll have so many to choose from, I could never ask you to pick.

If you're looking for your family connections to be part of your photography experience, contact me and let's chat. I'd love to meet you!
